Saturday, March 15, 2014

Below is my 2 month Progress Pic

Current weight 78 ( on keto )
Cardio session 10/week
Two day spliy

A month to go . Targeting 74 Kg BW.  

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Update - Keto


Here's the update

My traditional macro failed as I couldn't keep right with the portions .

Switched back to Keto on 13th Jan 2014 and jumped in Body Challenge (

Start - 88.7 Kg   Current - 79.9  ( excludes water weight in Keto)

My diet
5 C - 30 P - 65 F ,  Two day Body Split, HIIT Training .
Supplements -  WPC, ALA, Tyrosine.

Am Targeting 73 kg by April 16th 2014.  Below is my progress pic

About my ACSM Exam,  I cleared CPT with a score of 704/800

Monday, June 17, 2013

Is you Cardio in your Fat Burning Zone?

Target heart rate is an estimate to find to your fat burning zone. 
Your heart rate must lie in the fat burring zone in order to activate aerobic pathway to burn your fatty acids.

Simplest Method to Calculate Target Heart Rate.
Age- Predicted Formula
1: Finding your estimated maximum heart rate (MHR)
Maximum heart rate = 220 - your age
If you are 27
220 - 27 = 193
So estimated MHR is 193 / minute

2: Select Your Personal Intensity Range below. THR ranges between 70 to 85%

% of MHR Difficulty
Warm Up - 60- 70% 
Beginner - 70-75%
Intermediate -75-80%
Advanced - 80-85%

3: Now multiply the Maximum Heart Rate with your Personal fitness intensity
Eg: If you are beginner
193 X (70-75%) = 135 – 144 /minute.

4. Measuring your THR during your Cardio training

10 Second Method.
Measuring a full 60 seconds is not practical. You can simply measure your pulse for 10 seconds and check whether you are in Fat burning zone.

Eg from above THR is 135-143 / min
Divide by 6 it ranges from 22 -24 per 10 seconds to burn fat.

Monday, June 3, 2013

How Much Cardio?

During my cardio session today in cross trainer after my resistance training, noticed a guy next to be sweating hard doing cross trainer. I looked to his status to see his duration of 56 minutes and his heart rate in range of 140 to 145 beats.
This has led me to following questions,
Q1  Whether one hour of cardio is required even if you are endomorph for fat loss.?
Q2 What type for cardio works best ?

My recommendations

30 to 40 minutes of HIIT , 5 times a week works better. Beyond 45 mins, anerobic kicks in and may also results in injury.
I used to toggle between 75%, 85% & 95 % of Max heart rate during my cardio. HIIT also keeps me motivated rather than keeping my heart rate constant in the fat burning zone (75- 85 % Max Heart Rate)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Body Weight Ups & Downs

My Weight has been never been constant. Whenever i be unconscious about my weight with regards to food habit and exercise, I have gained max of 6 kg/ month . My Max weight has been 91 kg and Minimum 65 kg in from Dec 2010 to Current Date. 

Wish Me Good Luck

My Intentional default Weight Gain Phase ended on May 31 2013. I ended up adding 18.8 kg to my last low of 70 kg resulting now in 88.8 Kg.

Enrolled in gym on 1 June 2013. Am going to follow this time Traditional diet of 50 carbs 30 protein and 20 fats against my last diet which was Cyclic Ketogenic Diet.
My Training will include HIIT Cardio + Resistance
Traning Knowledge from Bodybuilding forum and books of  Tom venuto and from previous Experience

Current Statistics Date 1 June 2013
Wt 88.8 Kg Fat % by BIA - 32.7 % LBM 59.7 Kg
Goal  Deadline Date 30 September 2013
Wt -72Kg (4kg/month)  Fat -18 % preserving LBM

Will be updating my Journey with results regularly through this blog.

Have also applied for ACSM- CPT course , appearing for exam in July 2013

Wish Me Good Luck