Monday, June 17, 2013

Is you Cardio in your Fat Burning Zone?

Target heart rate is an estimate to find to your fat burning zone. 
Your heart rate must lie in the fat burring zone in order to activate aerobic pathway to burn your fatty acids.

Simplest Method to Calculate Target Heart Rate.
Age- Predicted Formula
1: Finding your estimated maximum heart rate (MHR)
Maximum heart rate = 220 - your age
If you are 27
220 - 27 = 193
So estimated MHR is 193 / minute

2: Select Your Personal Intensity Range below. THR ranges between 70 to 85%

% of MHR Difficulty
Warm Up - 60- 70% 
Beginner - 70-75%
Intermediate -75-80%
Advanced - 80-85%

3: Now multiply the Maximum Heart Rate with your Personal fitness intensity
Eg: If you are beginner
193 X (70-75%) = 135 – 144 /minute.

4. Measuring your THR during your Cardio training

10 Second Method.
Measuring a full 60 seconds is not practical. You can simply measure your pulse for 10 seconds and check whether you are in Fat burning zone.

Eg from above THR is 135-143 / min
Divide by 6 it ranges from 22 -24 per 10 seconds to burn fat.

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